Climate-KIC is the EU’s main climate innovation initiative.
It is Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on mitigating and adapting to climate change. Climate-KIC consists of companies, academic institutions and the public sector.
Climate-KIC has its headquarters in London, UK, and leverages centres across Europe to support start-up companies, to bring together partners on innovation projects and to educate students to bring about a connected, creative transformation of knowledge and ideas into products and services that help mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Climate-KIC currently has centres in France (Paris), Germany (Franckfurt and Berlin), The Netherlands (Utrecht), Switzerland (Zurich), Denmark (Copenhaguen), the UK (London and Birmingham), Hungary (Budapest), Italy (Bologna), Poland (Wroclaw) and Spain (Valencia).
Climate-KIC is one of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) created in 2010 by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), the EU body tasked with creating sustainable European growth while dealing with the global challenges of our time.